For a good read on our adult criminal justice system check out
Michele Alexander's book The
New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness (click here for
an overview). You don't have to agree with all the views to admit that if our
country has more African Americans and other minorities locked up now than in
the height of South African Apartheid than we have a moral dilemma that must be grappled with. To me that is a problem that we all should explore and policy makers must address. For me it is an enormous human rights issue and based on my Christian convictions cannot be ignored.
I am a person with strong religious convictions and I believe
that since people are made in the image of God they should be treated humanely,
even if they committed atrocious acts. This compassion Jesus demonstrated when
people brought the adulterer to Jesus in John 8, "Whichever one of you has
committed no sin may throw the first stone at her." I don't condone any
crime and it is the job of the courts to judge offenders based on the facts,
but I still have compassion on others and do my best to treat people with human
dignity and respect based on the fact that all people are made in the image of
God no matter who they are. Even if people are found guilty and serve prison
time, they are still people who deserve the opportunity to contribute
positively in society. What do you think…?