Thursday, January 19, 2012

Storytelling goes Digital and the Future of the Web...

Dr. Thornburg’s idea of the rhymes of history basically states that many modern technological innovations echo previous ideas, experiences, and/or cultural interactions from humanity’s past. Digital storytelling through,, or iPad apps such as StoryLines all attempt to captivate the visual, auditory, and textual elements of storytelling. The format for exchanging stories has changed throughout the years; however the purpose of the stories remains as a collective approach to share the human experience. Digital storytelling attempts to engage as many senses as possible as a way to recreate in a sense the storytelling around a fire among family, friends, and/or communities.

Kevin Kelly’s extrapolation of where the web is going in his TED Talk “The next 5,000 days of the web” here describes what it is evolving into a single, global machine and the web is its OS (operating system). All of us together make up this machine and the web, which has artificial intelligence but it is in and of itself not a singular consciousness or entity, rather it is made up of all of the people and things that are connected to it. He also contends that we will become codependent on this Web as we are currently dependent on the alphabet and writing. Instead of an alternate reality, this emerging web combines physical reality with digital reality. Kelly reverses McLuhan’s statement “Machines are the extensions of the human senses” to “humans are now going to be the extended senses of the machine”. These ideas reinforce the connections, consciousness, and collective consciousness of humanity and its perception of how it sees itself as a collective, interactive, and dominant force in the natural world. 


Kelly, K. (2007, December). Kevin Kelly on the next 5,000 days of the Web [Speech]. Speech delivered at the EG 2007 Conference, Los Angeles. Retrieved from

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